A Safer Society for Young People: Advancing a public health approach to violence prevention
Keir Irwin-Rogers and Luke Billingham (2025)
Impact that lasts: Ensuring Young Futures Hubs fulfil their potential
Luke Billingham (2024)
The Glasgow miracle? Storytelling, violence reduction and public policy
Alistair Fraser & Fern Gillon (2023)
(Re)moving exclusions: School exclusion reduction in Glasgow and London
Luke Billingham & Fern Gillon (2023)
Strategic Briefing - A Public Health Approach to Violence Reduction
Alistair Fraser & Keir Irwin-Rogers (2021)
The terrifying abyss of insignificance: Marginalisation, mattering and violence between young people
Luke Billingham & Keir Irwin-Rogers (2021)
Youth Violence Commission Final Report
Keir Irwin-Rogers, Abhinay Muthoo & Luke Billingham (2020)
Changing patterns of violence in Glasgow and London: is there evidence of Scottish exceptionalism?
Susan McVie, Ellie Bates & Rebecca Pillinger (2018)